Airless Spraying – The Most Effective Method

 Airless spray is a painting technique which simplifies the process of painting by using an airless spray machine. This machine pumps the paint under very high pressure, around 3000 psi, via a specialized hose into a small hole in the nozzle of the sprayer. The airless spraying method is often preferred as the result is smooth and even finish, which can withstand wear and tear as well as harmful corrosion effects, according to Airless paint spray dealers in Ghaziabad

Airless Spray Technique using machines from Spray paint machine dealers in Faridabad –

In this technique, spray guns that work under high pressure are used to make atomization of coating possible. This painting technique is applied mainly in heavy-duty marine, chemical and industrial linings and coatings.

The advantages of using the airless spray technique include:

  1. Better penetration of the coating into crevices and pits.
  2. Consistent coating, which means fewer coats needed.
  3. Wet coating, secures excellent flow-out and adhesion.
  4. A small amount of thinner is used in this system for almost all types of coatings. This helps to shorten the drying time as well as the discharge of solvents to the atmosphere.
  5. Different styles of tips are available for the spray gun, which allows the application of thicker house paints as well as thinner ones, such as varnish and lacquer.
  6. Even pressure control and speed are allowed in this method unless the direction is changed.

A word of caution – Extreme caution should be employed when applying paint through this method, as airless spray guns can predispose an individual to injuries since it uses high pressure.

Airless paint sprayers from Airless paint spray dealers in Delhi are known as a swift alternative to other methods of painting with an even, high-quality result. It makes spraying paint to a surface at least twice as fast as compared to using a traditional roller. Airless sprayers are generally pretty easy to use as it operates by a slightly different set of rules than other forms of paint.

The way to use an Airless Sprayer requires 3 steps

  • Preparation includes :

  1. Choosing the right tip – It can be as important as having the right pressure gauged on your sprayer. Larger tips generally need more pressure but can cover more ground effectively. For precision work narrower tips are best. If you’re sceptical about the sort of tip you should be using, contact a hardware professional and give her the details of your project.
  2. Thin the paint. Latex paint works best for airless sprayers, but it must first be thinned out to flow easily through the nozzle. One may have to experiment again and again with different level thicknesses of paint. Load some into your paint sprayer and than check the flow. In case if it’s not evenly spraying, we may need to add thinner.
  3. Strain your paint. To have a smooth flowing paint strain the paint as there may still be little clumps of solid paint. It hardly take’s any time and effort to clog an airless sprayer nozzle.
  4. Prime the pump.  All airless sprayers require priming before they’re ready for use with the help of a “Prime” setting. If your airless sprayer isn’t priming successfully, one need to give the device a slight tap with the help of hammer. This will loosen any clogged paint which is inside the sprayer.
  5. Give your sprayer a quick check before each use. Make sure your sprayer’s is in the working condition before you use it to prevent any messes. Check the hose for microfractures. Check the nozzle and ensure the filter is clear. Try a quick test run to make sure the paint’s being distributed evenly.

  • How to paint with a sprayer?

  1. Prepare the surface for painting. If there are parts of the surface you do not want to be painted, cover them with masking tape.
  2. Airless sprayers are used like any traditional gun. If this will be your first time you can do a practice spray with water.
  3. For spraying evenly and thickly, you may need to increase the pressure.
  4. Maintain a steady distance while you spray. You should keep your sprayer between 10-2 inches (30.5 cm) away from the surface you’re painting to effectively paint.

  • Release the trigger to stop painting. When you’re done with painting, simply release the trigger to stop painting.

Clean the sprayer after every use. Check hoses for any kind of breakage and clean or replace filters from time to time.

Alpha Marketing is a well-known Airless paint spray dealers in Noida. They can make your paint job easier and more effective with the right tools and machines.


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