What is the process of sanding Drywall

 Sanding drywall is an important part of any home improvement project.

After hanging drywall sheets, using tape and joint compound to fix gaps and nail gouges in the drywall, this operation is completed. After the joint compound, mud, or dries, the process of sanding the drywall provides a clean and level surface for applying primer and paint. Wall Sander dealers in Noida provides a wide range of wall sanding equipment at a reasonable cost.

Below are the steps that will show how to do the drywall sanding and the differences between wet vs. dry sanding:

1. Drywall Sanding with sponge: 

  • Drywall sanding sponges are designed for smoothing out joint compounds. These sponges can sand wet or dry and are ideal for getting into tight corners and ceilings.
  • When using a sponge, a wet sanding method is considered the most effective method. 
  • To keep sanding dust under control, this method softens the compound, or mud, and diminishes it.

The process of doing this is as follows:

-Fully submerge the sponge in water and squeeze out the extra water.

-In a circular motion rub the coarse side against the drywall making sure to work into the edges to ensure that all the areas are smooth.

-Once the area is completely smooth, it should be allowed to dry overnight before painting and adding finishing touches.

-After finishing the process of wall sanding spray paint machines are used nowadays for the quicker paint of the wall.

Spray paint machine dealers in Delhi provide a wide range of options of spray paint machines at a reasonable cost.

2. Drywall Sanding with Sandpaper:

  • Sandpaper is essential for achieving a smooth and uniform surface in the sections of drywall where mud has dried.
  • For the majority of drywall work, the use of sanding equipment is required.
  • For lower and middle drywall areas a hand sander or sanding block is required. 
  • For higher wall areas and ceilings it is advisable to use a pole sander with an attached extension handle.
  • Sanding screens that contain sandpaper are used by hand sanders and pole sanders. When using a hand sander or pole sander, it is advisable to apply a push-pull motion and apply even pressure inside the seams and along with nail and screw patterns. 
  • To sand down the rough areas or dried compound, it is important to use semi-coarse sandpaper of 100 or 120 grit to sand down the rough areas or dried compound, to smooth the areas further, and continue with 150 grit.
  • Finish drywall sanding in areas that needed a gentle touch, such as inside corners and around electrical outlets, then feather out compound into the drywall using sheets of sandpaper.

3. Drywall Sanding with Electric Sander:

  • For a large drywall project, an orbital sander is a good option.
  • This tool is lightweight and can complete the task in very little time, but to avoid damaging the drywall surface it must be used carefully as it is a power tool.
  • To achieve the required results, use fine grit sandpaper, between 150 and 180 grit, to collect excess dust and debris; some drywall sanders include a vacuum attachment.

Following instructions are to be followed for using an electric sanding machine:

-Turn on the sander and position the sanding screen lightly against the surface of the drywall once all the pieces are connected.

-To the uneven areas little bit of pressure is applied to help the screen work  but only that much which is enough to keep the pad flat against the surface. 

-To smooth the drywall compound as desired it is instructed to move it back and forth in an overlapping pattern.

-The sander should be kept in constant motion while the sanding screen is in contact with the drywall.

-It is advisable to use a steady, sweeping motion and avoid applying excessive pressure.  

-Do not let the sanding screens come in contact with sharp protrusions like nails or screws while using the sander and these can severely damage the pad. 

-Stopping the sander suddenly on the surface or moving the unit erratically can cause swirl marks and unevenness areas on the surface.

-Same instructions must be followed while using wood sanding machines. Wood sander dealers in Noida would tell you these instructions in detail so that no mistakes are made by you.

Wet Sanding Vs Dry Sanding:

  • The process of doing wet sanding with a sponge is a great option for tight corners and small patches as it is easier to work with a sanding sponge into those areas.  
  • Wet sanding also creates less dust, and makes the cleaning process easier after the job is done. 
  • This procedure results in a smoother finishing than dry sanding. whereas,
  • Dry sanding provides a more uniform and smooth finish.
  •  This is an ideal option for walls in bigger rooms and also covers a larger surface area but this can leave excess dust on the surface of newly patched drywall and nearby areas of flooring and furniture.
  •  In this situation, it is always advisable to wipe down the area before moving on to the next project.
  •  Alpha Marketing is the topmost Wall Sander dealers in Delhi who provides various equipment related to the wall sanding process.


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